The Town of Stanstead is pleased to welcome you to its new media platforms. The goal of these communication tools is to supply information to citizens in a quick and direct manner in order to facilitate the exchange of information.
These corporate communication tools (website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) belong to the Town of Stanstead as part of the public administration. All content belongs to the municipality and is administered by town employees.
Our media channels are not an open space to share public opinions, nor are they a political media or an open forum to voice or file complaints. Though are pleased to echange and discuss with citizens, our digital media channels are not the proper channel to do so. We invite citizens who wish to share comments, voice dissatisfaction or make complaints, to use our online forms or contact us directly by telephone or email.
Consult our Netiquette Policy
Main communication tools:
- Internet Website
- Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
- Municipal Newsletter: The Stagecoach
- Physical Billboard (outside Town Hall)
Mayoral privilege
« The mayor is the primary communication officer for the Town and is the official spokesperson. In the role of chief council-member, the mayor represents the Town of Stanstead to the entire population. The mayor has the privilege of making official statements, verbal or in writing, in regards to municipal matters. » Communication Policy, section 6.1