Public safety is important to us! For this reason, the Town of Stanstead is serviced by various organizations and services related to public safety.
Citizen communication and alert system

Personalize your notifications by choosing the services, sectors and how you want to be notified (email, text message or automated call).
Services offered by this platform:
– Emergency Measures Notices;
– Public Interest Messages Notices *1;
– Public Works Notices *2;
*1 Public service announcements are information only about your city’s administration, such as town council date reminders, tax date reminders, special collection dates and much more.
*2 Public works notices include, among others, boil water advisories, water main maintenance work, infrastructure repair work or snow removal.
Register online so you don’t miss anything
👉 Click the following link |
If you need help completing the form, contact us at 819 876-7181 ext. 110 or come to town hall at
425, rue Dufferin by appointment.

Police | Sûreté du Québec

The Town of Stanstead is serviced by police services under the Sûreté du Québec (SQ). Their agents are appointed as the authority for enforcing town by-laws and provincial laws. SQ stations prepare prevention activities for all the municipalities they serve, such as proactive and non-penal measures that specifically aim to reduce criminal activity. Most of these prevention activities take place on a daily basis, in the context of interventions taken by agents working the territory.
In case of emergency, citizens are invited to dial 9-1-1 or 310-4141 (*4141 on cell phones).

Fire Protection | Régie Memphrémagog-Est

Since the fall of 2018, the Town of Stanstead has been a member of the Régie incendie Memphrémagog-Est. The fire station, located under Town Hall at 425 Dufferin Street, is well-positioned to serve the town and greater Stanstead area, if necessary.
In addition to the Régie director and preventionist based at the Hatley municipal offices, the Stanstead fire department includes 25 firefighters, 22 men and 3 women including 1 chief of operations, 1 capitan, 3 lieutenants and 20 firefighters. At 14 % of the team, that’s a remarkable female presence for a typically masculine profession – and in a rural region, too!
Animal Protection | Société protectrice des animaux

The SPA de l’Estrie services a territory covering more than 225,000 inhabitants, in various cities and towns across the Eastern Townships, including the Town of Stanstead.
These cities and municipalities have delegated their authority in animal matters to the SPAE who has the responsibility to sell licenses and offer a number of other services to citizens and their animals across the region.
By-law RU-2020-03 states that animal owners must have a license for all cats and dogs in their possession.

The Pair program allows its members to feel more secure thanks to:
- Daily prevention call service with an alert in case of non-confirmation
- Reminders to take medication with or without an alert
The prevention system makes it possible to react quickly in the event of a tragedy.
These daily calls are reassuring for subscribers and their families.
Who is the Pair program for?
- Seniors living alone.
- Elderly couples with or without health problems.
- Families who are worried about their parents, but do not have the time or the ability to call them every day.
- Person in need of a medication reminder.
- PPerson with health problems.
- Anyone who needs a daily call for any other reason.
The Pair program is completely free for members and always will be!
View the brochure here: PAIR MEMPHREMAGOG REGION
819-876-7748 (CAB Stanstead)
Civil Security Plan
Plan updated in 2021 The Town of Stanstead called on the services of Groupe Prudent conseil in the preparation of our civil security plan that will ensure rapid action in the case of a major disaster affecting the population or other climatic events that may arise.
Adopted in 2021, our civil security plan is in place in the case of a major emergency affecting the region. When emergency measures are enacted, communication to citizens will be done via social mediaand the Town website.
However, it is the responsible of each and every citizen to be prepared and autonomous for a period of 72h in the case of an emergency. Three preparation steps are advised:
Canadians are encouraged to take three simple steps to become better prepared to face a range of emergencies:
🔴 Know the risks |
🟡 Make a plan |
🟢 Get an emergency kit |
Click on image for information on 72h plans 👉