Each summer, the Town of Stanstead organizes a day camp for children ages 5 to 12.
Stanstead residents have priority for registration and later registrations are opened to the general public. Known for having devoted coordinators and monitors, with lots of fun activities, the Stanstead Day Camp is the perfect way to keep your children busy during the summer.
Survey:2022 Day Camp
The Town of Stanstead is proud to be an Age-Friendly Municipality, having received accreditation in 2019.
This program aims to encourage active aging of seniors within their communities. Stanstead is one of the 967 member municipalities in Quebec.
Review the MADA Policy
View the brochure concerning the PAIR service offered to individuals who live alone.
Access to Property
The Town of Stanstead offers financial support in the amount of $1,000 for a first-time purchase of a home or new construction project in Stanstead (condition of never previously having owned or co-owned a property with in the municipality).
The Caisse Desjardins du Lac-Memphrémagog offers a bonus grant of $500 to first-time Stanstead buyers, if the mortgage is registered with the Stanstead branch of the Caisse Desjardins du Lac-Memphrémagog.
*Some conditions apply (see Policy below) Please refer to the Welcome Policy (below) for additional information.
Growing Families
The Town of Stanstead offers financial support for each child born or adopted in the amount of $100 per child. In addition, another $100 is offered by the Caisse Desjardins du Lac-Memphrémagog when an account is opened in the child’s name at the Stanstead branch.
Parents must complete the form and submit it at Town Hall (in person or via email) as well as show proof of residence in the Town of Stanstead with a copy of the child’s birth or adoption certificate within 12 months of the birth or adoption.
Please review our Welcome Policy
The Town of Stanstead offers financial assistance to children residing in Stanstead to encourage participation in athletic activities not offered within the municipality.
Maximum financial assistance amount of $100 per child per year. No requests may be made for amounts under $50. However, multiple activities within the same registration period may be tallied to reach an amount of $50 or more.
Please review our Activity Reimbursement Policy
Town of Stanstead amateur running club
For additional information, please visit the Facebook page: BOOTLEGGERS